We are primarily folks from poor and working class backgrounds, who are all organizing to defend our communities and workplaces from the fascist threat. Some of us are being threatened more than others.

That's not nice!

We first came together for the community defense of what are called Drag Story Hours. These are where Drag Queens, Kings, Clowns, and Things read children's books to kids and their families. It's all about acceptance, empathy, love, compassion, and being our "authentic selves."

We need more of this everywhere!

But the "goose-steppers" disagree. That's an old school term for a Nazi, all mindlessly marching. They conform, obey, submit to authority, and other shit like that.

We reject that nonsense!

We're about building a movement for revolution, starting in our workplaces and communities with the need to defend one another from the violence of fascism.

Defense is just where it starts though!


We're socialists, which means we believe in the need for a revolution against capitalism and this whole genocidal settler system. We believe in the need for a democratic movement that can bring the fascist government to its knees.

This is where WE, the MULTI-RACIAL RAINBOW WORKING CLASS, comes in!

We're the ones whose labor keeps the economy running. Our labor is how the capitalists make money. It's exploitation, simple as that, and we're done with that garbage.

We need to stop laboring for the rich. Instead, we need to organize blockades, occupations, strikes, and more. That's how we bring all this to a grinding halt. That's how we really speak truth to power.

We hit them where it hurts, their bottom line, and then we take their shit over!

Our democratic movement must take over, replacing the government and economy, but not as some kind of dictatorship. Our democratic movement can take over the government and corporations, expanding democracy throughout workplaces and communities everywhere.

In order to be successful though, we need two things. The first is what's typically referred to as a party, which is just another way of saying that our democratic movement needs to have an actual revolutionary organization. We must be able to coordinate the revolution together.

Not everyone will want to be part of the revolutionary organization, nor can we expect them to be. Along with the revolutionary organization, we need democratic assemblies in every workplace and neighborhood.

These are meant for a wider range of people. When we take over the government and economy, these will be how it's all democratically run.

To start though, each of the assemblies must begin from the immediate need to defend each other against the fascist threat.


Defending our workplaces and communities against the violence of fascism is how we began. The violence of fascism is eventually coming for everyone, including you and those you love. There's no where to hide. The only option is to fight.

Undocumented immigrants face mass deportation. Trans folks and the overall LGBTQIA+ community are being officially erased. Fascists are trying to fundamentally destroy labor unions, while poisoning the Earth. Things could get even darker in a hurry though.

The fascists are making living space for their so-called "master race."

Concentration camps for immigrant detention will mean cheap labor, like in prisons, and the beginning of rapidly expanding mass enslavement. Once the fascists have successfully built an army of robots to replace this cheap labor, and the working class in general, we could all find ourselves in extermination camps, turned into biodiesel to power their AI datacenters.

Faith in America's Second Reich, where everyone becomes part of a diverse, equitable, and inclusive middle class, is delusional. This has always been a mask, covering up the ongoing genocidal nightmare required to sustain it.

This so-called Dream is meant to divide us, to strip away solidarity for one another, replacing it with the mindless consumerism of colonists on stolen land. It's a religion of death, sacrificing those who get left behind.

It's summarized in a board game called "The Game of Life" that simulates a person's travels from early adulthood to retirement, with college if necessary, jobs, marriage, and possible children along the way.

We're struggling, and so are all the families around us. This settler life is fundamentally doomed. We need an alternative rooted in the Indigenous ways of life that the settlers wanted to exterminate, and it starts with defending one another from fascism.


We need democratic assemblies for our collective defense. They need to each be a kernel of the communal alternative beyond the so-called American Dream. When we say communal though, we aren't talking about hiding away in a commune like that fucking hippie shit in the 1970s.

All of our assemblies need to come together in one massive fighting commune, sharing our resources more and more each day. This is how we truly sustain the occupations, blockades, and strikes necessary for a revolution to succeed.

From each workplace and community assembly to a city-wide, state-wide, region-wide assembly, and beyond. ALL POWER TO THE ASSEMBLIES!

We're building assemblies in our workplaces and communities, then coming together in a constitutional convention to begin writing a new constitution for the revolution. YOU SHOULD JOIN US!

Toward those ends, we've got a bunch of tools to help us get there together.

Socialist Revolution is on the horizon. It's time to abolish these United States of America and build the American Commune of communes it always should have been.

As darkness tries to engulf the world, we will help bring the warming light of liberation!

Do you see it?
Do you feel it?


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