Immigrants Are Leaders in Our Class Struggle {authorlink} #antifascism #communitydefense #revolution via RUPTURE.CAPITAL on Inoreader {authorlink} Immigrants Are Leaders...
Author Archive for: Rupture.Capital
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Bureaucratic Realism {authorlink} #antifascism #communitydefense #revolution via RUPTURE.CAPITAL on Inoreader {authorlink}
Trump Wants Us to Fear ICE — Our Resistance Must Spread Solidarity, Not Panic
Rupture.Capital, , #antifascism #communitydefense #revolution, #TruthOut, 0Trump Wants Us to Fear ICE — Our Resistance Must Spread Solidarity, Not Panic {authorlink} #antifascism #communitydefense #revolution via...
Higher Education Workers Take to the Streets Against Trump’s Attacks on Universities and the Working Class
Rupture.Capital, , #antifascism #communitydefense #revolution, #LeftVoice, 0Higher Education Workers Take to the Streets Against Trump’s Attacks on Universities and the Working Class {authorlink} #antifascism #communitydefense...
This page provides an introduction to abortion clinic defense and some of the common questions people have about it.
As Suppression of Dissent Increases, Know Your Rights If the FBI Comes Knocking
Rupture.Capital, , #antifascism #communitydefense #revolution, #ZNET, 0As Suppression of Dissent Increases, Know Your Rights If the FBI Comes Knocking {authorlink} #antifascism #communitydefense #revolution via RUPTURE.CAPITAL...
This guide will give you some of the tools you'll need to organize your coworkers.
How do you identify an ICE agent?
Rupture.Capital, , #antifascism #communitydefense #revolution, #ElPais, 0How do you identify an ICE agent? {authorlink} #antifascism #communitydefense #revolution via RUPTURE.CAPITAL on Inoreader {authorlink}
To Fight the Trump/Musk Purge, Federal Workers Hold Nationwide Day of Action to “Save Our Services”
Rupture.Capital, , #antifascism #communitydefense #revolution, #DemocracyNow, 0To Fight the Trump/Musk Purge, Federal Workers Hold Nationwide Day of Action to “Save Our Services” {authorlink} RUPTURE.CAPITAL’s favorite...
French trade unions respond to fascist attacks in Paris
Rupture.Capital, , #antifascism #communitydefense #revolution, #PeoplesDispatch, 0French trade unions respond to fascist attacks in Paris {authorlink} RUPTURE.CAPITAL’s favorite articles on Inoreader {authorlink}